The cold weather has been lingering, and as a result the syrup season has stretched out a little longer than we thought it might. Dad was up last night doing a(nother) midnight boiling session, and he said it was snowing like crazy! There was an inch of snow on the ground at the farm this morning:
What a difference a year makes. Last year we had July weather in mid-March and the syrup season lasted 10 days. This year, we have had five weeks of sugaring and it's colder today at the end of the season than it was back in early March when we started. Dad says in 41 years of making maple syrup he's never had two seasons the same!
Hello McCutcheon Family... ALL!
The "Sugar God" was indeed smilin' upon the maple syrup producers n' sap collectors this season... no matter how erratic the Spring seemed. I am happy for you!
In almost the same number of years painting in many sugar bushes... including your own, I would tend to agree with you Ken that no two seasons seem exactly the same.
It is this uncertainty... like searching for the next "master" piece/sketch... it is the uncertainty of the search... and the discovery. We have not really... gone much beyond what we were from the beginning... hunter gatherers!
Glad that your hunting this year led to copious gathering. Sweet dreams ... of next season!
Our warmest regards and sweet thoughts to all!
The Shermans
Bruce, Deb, Liam and Bryn
Very nicely said, as always Bruce. Thanks again for thinking of us, and hope your respective "search" remains inspiring... Cheers, Carley
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