Thanks to everyone who made it out for a visit this weekend. It was nice to see some familiar faces out enjoying the spring weather, and some new faces too!

The weather made for a perfect opening weekend. We had a small run of sap on Saturday as it didn't warm up until later in the afternoon, and we collected up enough sap to boil later in the evening. Today was an absolutely perfect sap day with temperatures up to ten degrees. The sap was running into the tank so quickly it was hard to keep up! We boiled some down this afternoon and it's still running well. Looks like it'll be a late night in the sugarhouse tonight...
If you weren't able to make it out to the farm this weekend, we will be open seven days a week from 1pm - 5pm from now until the end of the season. It's nice to see our shelves full of syrup after having been bare for so long. Come on out and have a taste of spring!
I have a question for you. I have a tiny operation with a camp-stove on my deck. I decided to try pre-heating sap on my indoor stove to add to the outdoor boil. I'm doing it in the pressure cooker until it comes to a boil, then releasing pressure outside and adding it to the outdoor pans. Any thoughts on that?
Hi Kristin. Using your pressure cooker to preheat the sap should speed up the process for you -- just be careful with the pressure cooker! Commercial Maple Syrup evaporators can evaporate 15% more when a preheater is used. Good luck!
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